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Thursday, March 10, 2011

interview prep, part 1

-or-  the Core Expectations

at the risk of boring you guys to death, i'm gonna put some Peace Corps schtuff in this one.  they have this magic list of expectations that volunteers should be able to meet in order to be successful.  it's mostly a bunch of stuff about being respectful of other cultures and being flexible, committed, professional, aware of your image.  why am i posting this?  i don't know.  just because it's part of the prep i have to do for the interview -- be aware of all of these and have good examples to illustrate each.  i'll let you know if i come up with any really good stories...

  1. Prepare your personal and professional life to make a commitment
    to serve abroad for a full term of 27 months
  2. Commit to improving the quality of life of the people with whom
    you live and work; and, in doing so, share your skills, adapt them,
    and learn new skills as needed
  3. Serve where the Peace Corps asks you to go, under conditions of
    hardship, if necessary, and with the flexibility needed for effective
  4. Recognize that your successful and sustainable development work
    is based on the local trust and confidence you build by living in,
    and respectfully integrating yourself into, your host community
    and culture
  5. Recognize that you are responsible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    for your personal conduct and professional performance
  6. Engage with host country partners in a spirit of cooperation, mutual
    learning, and respect
  7. Work within the rules and regulations of the Peace Corps and the local
    and national laws of the country where you serve
  8. Exercise judgment and personal responsibility to protect your health,
    safety, and well-being and that of others
  9. Recognize that you will be perceived, in your host country and
    community, as a representative of the people, cultures, values, and
    traditions of the United States of America
  10. Represent responsibly the people, cultures, values, and traditions of
    your host country and community to people in the United States both
    during and following your service
to be serious for just a moment, if you were in charge of the list, what would you add to it?

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