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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

news... maybe?

i got an email from PC this morning advising me that my status had changed online. 

when i log in to their site, there is a list of different steps that need to be satisfied -- medical forms, physical exam, dental approval, medical approval, legal approval, placement approval.  so far everything was checked off as good, with only the hold on medical approval while they reviewed my documents.  so it had to be news on medical...  i was nervous and excited as i logged on.

well there is still a hold on medical (meaning they are still reviewing it), but now there is also a message that says this:
"Peace Corps sent you an important letter regarding the status of your application on October 4, 2011. Please review the contents of the letter and contact the Peace Corps if you have questions."

i'm trying not to jump to any conclusions.  indeed, i can't -- i have no idea what it is.  it could be simply a request for more information, which i imagine is most likely, or it could be a deferral or even a rejection.  all i know for sure is that now i have to wait for it to show up in the mail.

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