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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

news! BIG news!!

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod!  i'm jumping out of my skin!

i got a call from the placement specialist just now!  holy cow!  wow!  ohmygod!  so much information, so much excitement.

ok, i now have my regular placement contact, but that is the least of the news:  i am "qualified" for service, which means that i am being given a placement and, pending medical clearance, WILL BE GIVEN AN INVITATION!!

a mix of news, but as far as i'm concerned, it's all good in the long run.  i will be teaching math, and i will almost certainly be in sub-saharan africa.  (latin america is mostly only agricultural, business and health, while math and science education is almost entirely in africa.)  there are no math/science placements going out in the jan-mar timeframe, so my timing is being adjusted again – now june or later.  but the good news that comes with that is that i will know details – more-or-less exact timing and placement -- in october some time.  so i will be able to sell the house in a more reasonable fashion and get everything done as i need to.  whew, what a relief!

so i have legal and medical clearances left to get.  the legal should only be something concerning the mortgage, which i haven't gotten likely because of the email mix-up.  and i don't know for sure whether medical has asked for any further info, also because of the email mix-up.  i'll be getting contact info later today and will follow up with both at that time.

gosh, it seems like there was more.  but wow, that's quite a lot already!  i had been thinking lately about all the peace corps applicants' blogs i've been reading where they are having so much trouble being patient with the process.  perhaps i am lucky, or just used to the slow way things move here at work (because we know for *sure* it isn't any kind of innate ability for patience!), but i guess i took all the advice to heart and settled myself on everything taking a long time.  i haven't felt like things are taking any longer than promised (which is to say, the regular government pace).  guess my expectations are low enough.  but that means that whenever i do hear anything, it is a lovely surprise and seems sooner than expected.  i submitted my application at the end of january, so it's not like the process has been faster than normal.  i just haven't felt forgotten the way so many others do.  maybe that's also a difference between being 20 years old and 40-something.

anyhow, now it occurs to me that this is the big news everyone is waiting and hoping for, and i have it already!  it's a little backwards because normally medical clearance comes first, but i'm sure that will work out.  and with this much time until i go, there's plenty of time for any follow up they may want.


1 comment:

  1. Very exciting news indeed! We are couple in our late 50's and we have cleared all dental medical etc. already but are still waiting to hear from our placement person. We applied last November so like you we aren't too far off schedule....but it would be great to hear something! We will be following your blog for more news.
